Goals for LMCreates 2023

So, it's that time of year, when people start making plans and resolutions for their upcoming year. I've been struggling with that a bit this year.
I keep going back and forth and trying to decide what I want most, and what matters most. I want to put all my money into putting a new roof on the house and tear down an addition to make space for a new patio and garden -- all in time to plant this year.
I want a greenhouse. I want a workshop where I can build projects next winter. I want to plant a fruit tree, and grapevines, and definitely rhubarb. I need to get the plumber out here to fix the outdoor faucet. I want to put in a pool and build it up into a whole vibe, and in order to do any of that, I am going to need to tear out this giant, never-quite-tamed bush that splits my property off from my neighbours...
And that's just the yard!
I want to finish off the Peachland Passions series, and I want to write a couple of shorter stand alones which are haunting me in my sleep. Plus, I want to start on the Empty Nester trilogy and the Platinum People trilogy. And I want to write the story of my dad's oil painting journey, and my thoughts on God in Beer-Drinking, God-Talking Girl (which I started this week). And of course, I will be finishing book two in the Locals travel stories.
I also want to find the time to blog more faithfully (who am I kidding, that's not likely gonna happen). I want to make my newsletters gripping and have you all hanging off every word written there (that might). And I really want to have at least one audiobook, if not published, then in production.
But mostly what I want is by 2025 to have my Backwoods Writer Study Courses launched... and the only way to make that happen is if I get my butt in gear and start writing the Backwoods Writer books. So, in 2023, one of my main goals is to get books one and two in that series written -- and published early in 2024! And so, tonight I took a little time, and created covers. I know a lot of authors do their cover reveals strategically, but they have waaay more patience than I do. So, here they are! And I love 'em!
And the itsy bitsy teeny catch is I want to do all of this and still start my summer days with my early morning swim, plus have time to travel, and maybe actually read a book, do some yoga, drink wine with my friends, watch Football with my sister and her family, hang out with my mom and dad and my kids, attend the upcoming family weddings, host some barbeques, and you know, sleep. :) So, clearly, I still have to narrow things down a teeny tiny bit!
It's not a bad problem to have!