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    Macfarlane Creative Editing and Consulting Services

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Macfarlane Creative offers professional consulting, and substantive editing or proofreading services for book manuscripts in various genres. 


Leigh has a Master's Degree in Creative Writing from UBC Okanagan and has experience writing and editing full-length book manuscripts, magazine articles, and English as a Second Language works. Leigh has also proofread business works including grant and proposal applications, resumes, and contract documents. For more information on Leigh Macfarlane, please see this site’s biography page.


Please contact Leigh for a free estimate and quote on services, either through this website contact page or at





 Are you an author with a problem?


Have you taken your manuscript as far as you know how, and now you're just...stuck?


Do you need a second set of eyes to take a look, but you can't afford to hire an editor?


Do you need a qualified someone to talk to, maybe even to talk through the exact problem you are having?


Macfarlane Consulting Services may be your solution!


If you just need an hour or three of time to get some assistance from a highly qualified, experienced professional, drop us a line and fill in the form below. We can set up a personalized, remote, online meeting place for you to get answers to your writing and editing questions at reasonable, hourly rates.



What is Substantive Editing?


Substantive editing is big picture editing. After the first draft is completed and the first edits are completed, the substantive editor will answer questions such as:

- Does the book make sense?

-Are the characters fully developed?

-Are there holes in the plot?

-Does the writing flow well?

-How is the pacing?

-Are there places where the language is confusing or loses the reader?

-Is the story in active voice?

-Are the points of view working?

-Are there any major, repetitive grammatical issues?

-In general, how could the book be strengthened?


A Substantive editor leaves comments for the author to consider and choose to implement or disregard. Sometimes the editing service will be contracted for a back and forth between author and editor, and sometimes the editing comments will be offered one time only. The application is up to the author.




What is Proofreading? 


Once the structural edits are completed and the manuscript is close to being ready for publication, a proofreader combs through the manuscript line by line and word by word looking for spelling errors, grammar errors, usage errors, word choice, and punctuation. Close scrutiny is paid to every word to ensure that the manuscript is as polished and professional as possible. A proofreader can consider word choice based on the geographical market the book is aimed at, so be certain to let your proofreader know if the book is being published inside or outside of the United States. 



“I spent a long time trying to find the best editor in my city. After hiring a big name company, I went to Leigh for a second draft. Not only did she do it in 4 days when the  BC’s best took over a month, her final edit was miles better.
She did incredible, and I’d recommend her to any of my friends who want to start writing!”

       - Austin Hawkes, author of the 2018 self help book 100 Common  

          Phrases and the Most Positive Answer You Can Give.



"Leigh has been incredibly helpful, professional and responsive. Her attention to detail is extremely helpful as she is proofreading and editing civil engineering proposals. We have very high standards, and Leigh has met these standards. Leigh has been very responsive to our requests, and where possible has turned around a document within a few hours of receiving a job. I am grateful for her flexibility. I would definitely recommend Leigh as a writer, editor and proofreader for your projects."

        - Katherine Lepine, Proposal and Communications Specialist,

           R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd.


"I hereby confirm that Leigh Macfarlane has edited books for our clients and ourselves. The editing was done in a most professional, efficient and customer friendly manner. We thank Leigh for her great service and can only recommend her as author and editor of business and other literature."

       -Jonathan Geiser President of CanadianSwissInvest Inc."



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